Hedgerow Management
Learn how to manage hedgerows through laying, coppicing, or trimming.
IMPORTANT: Restrictions on Cutting Hedgerows
It is an offence to destroy vegetation on uncultivated land between the 1st of March and the 31st of August each year. This is stipulated in Section 40 of the Wildlife Act 1976 as amended by the Wildlife (Amendment) Act 2000 and the Heritage Act 2018. You can read more on the NPWS website.
Although it is legal to cut hedgerows outside of this time period, Hedgerows Ireland recommends that you wait till later in the winter season as hedgerows are a vital source of berries for birds and other animals in autumn.
Hedgerows are dynamic and have different needs depending on their life cycle stage. Understanding this life cycle will help you decide what management action is most appropriate for your site. Click to expand the graphic produced by Farming for Nature which illustrates what we should strive for in our hedgerows.

Map your hedgerows.
- Use a pen and paper to draw an outline of your land, or take a screenshot from Google Maps satellite view.
- Map banks, boundaries, and existing hedgerows; note the species present, especially rare or unusual species for your area. Use different colours to represent different types of boundaries, and give each boundary a name or number.
- Optional extra: use the Hedgerow Appraisal System or the Hedgerow Management Cycle linked above to assess hedgerow condition.
Plan your actions.
- Decide on the location and the species mix of new hedgerows.
- Figure out where each boundary fits in the hedgerow management cycle.
- Decide how to safely reduce the cutting of roadside hedgerows.
Complete your actions: Follow the Hedge Code and the guidance below.
- Plant new hedgerows and fill gaps in existing ones.
- Lay, coppice, or carefully trim hedgerows using your schedule.
- Construct log piles, save the excess for firewood, and harvest produce.
Hedge Laying
Hedges are largely human-made features of the countryside, with much of Ireland’s network established over the last 100-200 years. Many of the stems are at the end of their natural life span and since most hedgerow species (especially whitethorn) don’t reproduce well in the shade many of our hedgerows are dying out or becoming very gappy. Denser hedgerows are better for nesting birds and wildlife.
Hedge laying rejuvenates the hedge by taking advantage of the broadleaf tree species’ ability to re-grow after being cut back. Hedge laying is the art of cutting hedgerow stems partly through near ground level so that they will bend without breaking and will continue to grow in the shape of a stock-proof barrier. New growth comes from the cut stump rejuvenating the hedge and thickening up the base. If carried out regularly (approx. every 20-30 years), this process can extend the life span of most hedgerow species almost indefinitely.
The technique of hedge laying was widespread in Ireland in the middle of the 20th century but the practice has largely died out. The revival of interest in hedgerows through agri-environmental schemes has resulted in a resurgence in this valuable traditional country craft. The benefit of hedge laying is that it retains a nesting and foraging habitat for wildlife, whereas coppicing or cutting suspends these habitats until re-growth occurs. The cost of professional hedge laying is also shared over the years as the hedge is sequentially laid in small sections. Hedge laying grants are available to farmers through the ACRES scheme. Please reach out to our accredited hedge layers directory for further information and advice.
Hedge laying is a system that should be part of the annual (winter) work on the farm, doing a little every year. This perpetual management process protects habitats and ensures resources are available for wildlife while also producing a predictable amount of firewood either for sale or domestic use. It is the systematic nature of the process that ensures the both health of the hedge and that the work is not arduous, never working on stems more than 15 years old. It also maintains the skill itself as it is learned over time and handed on by the hedge managers.
It is also advised to use some of the woody material to make log piles, for example, in awkward corners or shrubby areas. The rotting wood benefits decomposers and provides a foraging and hiding spot for other wildlife.
How to lay a hedge
The following steps were featured in Teagasc’s piece on hedge laying with one of our Directors, Eoin Donnelly. You can read the full piece by clicking here.
- Stems (pleachers) are cut at the base, 70-80% of the way through, keeping the cuts as low as possible to the ground.
- Stems (pleachers) are laid at an angle of 45 degrees running up the slope, producing a hedge approximately 1.2m in height. Always lay a hedge uphill if the ground slopes to get better transpiration of moisture so the sap rises and the hedge remains living. Stems (pleachers) are left attached to the cut stump by a long living hinge and woven into each other.
Here are some of Eoin’s top tips:
- When laying, try to keep the angle even. This is not always possible because the stems (pleachers) are multiple shapes. As stems are woven in, you have to work out the shape as you lay the hedge down. Each piece has got to fit into the piece below. So when looking at a standing stem you’ve got to work out the shape and where it’s going to fall into the hedge. It’s all got to knit together.
- When you lay it down sometimes you get pieces that stick up. You can make cuts on the stems higher up to flex the hedge into the shape you want. These also act as points from which the hedge grows. Those cuts will send up shoots, thickening the hedge at the same time.
- Don’t lay the hedge directly down on the line of the cut base. Roll the hedge back slightly from the ground cuts. This is to allow light to get into the hedge and for the hedge to rejuvenate and re-shoot up along the cut face. If the hedge is too far forward on top of the cuts, shading suppresses new growth. Exposure of the cuts to sunlight maximises regeneration.
- The hinges are fairly strong but if they get enough wind or enough movement, they will start to tear. You don’t want it rocking around, so especially on a windy site, in order to hold the laid hedge in place, a gawlog or hooked pin cut from the hedge can be used. It hooks over a stem in the hedge and is hammered down to pin the hedge in place. Alternatively, stakes can be used every half metre woven in with hazel rods (binders) to hold in place. Don’t tie stems down with bailer twine because it doesn’t rot down and it will strangle the stems, resulting in losses.
- It is good practice to leave some mature trees or straight stems (pleachers) uncut within the hedge. The structure of the laid hedge is ideal for nesting thrushes, blackbirds, and robins. Preferably smaller trees like whitethorn or cherry because large broadleaved trees such as beech oak and sycamore cause shading.
Hedges can be laid with just stakes or stakes and binders. The latter further secures the stems, creates an immediate fence-like barrier, and looks tidier. Traditionally, they were used to prevent cattle and bulls from pushing through the hedge. Binders can also stop strong winds from lifting the hedge and some species like beech once layed can begin to lift as the trees begin to after laying. Nowadays, using binders is often a stylistic choice. It can be more expensive, with an average extra €2 per metre for the extra staking and then the cost of binders. This is because when binding, stakes have to be placed more frequently throughout the hedge. Since it looks tidier, binding is a nice option for gardens or roadsides, with cheaper staking only on large stretches of farm hedgerows. However, in most cases, the stock needs to be kept back to allow the hedge to regenerate.

Similarly to hedge laying, coppicing involves cutting a tree to stimulate re-growth. However, while hedge laying retains the stem’s connection to the cut stump, in coppicing the entire stem is cut to just above ground level and the cut stump is allowed to re-grow. Coppicing is less skillful and much more invasive, entirely removing a usable habitat for most species for at least three years. The All-Ireland Pollinator Plan, therefore, recommends hedge laying as the preferred option because the hedge continues to flower and produce food whereas coppiced hedges may not flower for a number of years.
Do not coppice all of your hedges in one go; really no more than 5% of a hedge should be coppiced annually in order to maintain resources/habitats. This makes it a long-term but really rewarding practice. Similarly to hedge laying, doing it in small sections every year retains wildlife habitat and provides a reliable and consistent source of firewood.
Coppicing is necessary for hedges that are too gappy to be laid. In these cases, coppicing is usually combined with a lot of infill planting between the gaps. The stump itself will re-grow quickly due to the extensive root system already established underneath.
How to coppice a hedge
The following steps were featured in Teagasc’s piece on coppicing with one of our Directors, Eoin Donnelly. You can read the full piece by clicking here.
- Identify a few occasional trees that will be left uncut and let grow into mature single-stem trees above with a full canopy above the body of the hedge. These are marked and protected with tree guards. Such trees are important for hedge-nesting birds who like to have a song perch above the hedge from which to sing. Ash is good for songbirds but leaving a whitethorn, blackthorn or crab apple as a flowering tree is good for pollinators – bees and other insects, and provides fruit in autumn.
- A tractor-mounted circular saw can be used to reduce the height of the hedge (except for the previously selected trees) to take out the heavy material, but will cut all at one level and is unlikely to cut low enough.
- The hedge must be cleared out of ivy, bramble, and briars by hand, using a slash-hook – down to bare soil if possible. Make sure to check for stones and remove any wire.
- The remaining stems are cut back to ground level, to 2-3 inches all along humps and hillocks, and dips. A chainsaw can be used to make a sloping cut so water runs off and keeps the stump healthy. A key point is to get the cuts as low to the ground as possible, but not right into the soil, just above the soil to produce new shoots.
- The hedge and the margin or verge both sides must be protected from livestock, at least one metre so animals can’t reach in and take out the tops of the hedge.
Flailing is the mechanical removal of vegetation from the top and sides of a hedgerow, using a tractor-mounted rotating drum that has hanging heavy-duty blades attached. Cutting can also be done using a circular saw which produces a neater cut but does not mulch woody growth like the flail, although the brash is larger and so easier to clear.
The annual cutting of hedgerows has, unfortunately, become popular in Ireland in an effort to make them look neat and tidy. However, this is not necessary and reduces the biodiversity benefits of hedgerows because hawthorn blossom is produced on the previous year’s growth. This means that annually flailed hedges will not produce blossom to the same extent, which leads to no pollen for pollinators or berries for birds. The hedge itself is also damaged and stressed, with stems becoming knarled and twisted into a hard knuckle due to the constant cutting at the same height.
Cutting/flailing is usually less time-consuming than hedge laying or coppicing, so is a more commonly used management tool. If you do not have the capacity to lay or coppice your hedge, please follow best practice guidelines to cut it in a biodiversity-friendly way. See some top tips below and learn more using our references list.
The 1993 Roads Act defines the legal responsibility of local authorities for the public road network, and landowners are served with notices to breast and top roadside hedgerows to maintain a clear road and sightlines. At junctions, hedgerows must be cut low to maintain visibility when turning. The Hedge Code encourages landowners to use a circular saw rather than a flail for trimming roadside hedges and to maintain wilder, un-cut grassy and wildflower margins on each side. When mapping your hedgerows and scheduling your management plan, differentiate between roadside and internal hedgerows to apply a less frequent and lower intensity cutting schedule for the latter.
How to cut a hedge
Here are some top tips for cutting your hedge so it retains biodiversity benefits:
- Cut your hedge on a 2-3 year cycle in rotation, resulting in some areas producing blossom each year.
- Delay cutting till January or February; although the restrictions on cutting are lifted in August, hedgerows are a vital source of berries for birds in Autumn/Winter. Cutting away the growing point too early in the season removes this food source.
- Gradually reduce cutting intensity each year; cut taller and wider.
- Cut with a circular saw rather than a flail; this produces a cleaner cut and improves re-growth.
- Retain a variety of hedge types.
- Some escaped hedges that remain untopped but can be side-trimmed. If any overhanging branches become a safety hazard, a circular saw can be used to lop them off.
- Some topped hedges where the growing point is trimmed to a triangular profile (or ‘A roof’) from a wide base and occasional single-stem hawthorn trees are kept uncut. Keep these to at least 1.5m tall or as tall as your machinery can manage. Sloping sides on an ‘A roof’ cut allows the hedge base to access more light, which encourages denser growth that is better for ground-nesting birds. Contractors also say it’s faster and easier to cut an ‘A roof’ because you run the cutter at a 45-degree angle on both sides and move on, whereas for a flat-top cut you need to go over them a couple of times to get an even cut.
- Do not remove hedgerows (unless they are a safety hazard or prevent tree regeneration). Even dying hedgerows support insect communities, bat roosts, and cavity-nesting birds.
Useful Websites