Tuesday 24th January at 1pm: Plant Propagation Webinar

Thank you for being a paid member of the Hedge Laying Association of Ireland, we appreciate your support!

The Organic Centre has kindly offered to deliver a webinar for our members next week:

Topic: Plant Propagation
Date: 1pm on Tuesday 24TH January – a lunchtime session for those at work!

Here is a brief description of the webinar by Stephen Campbell from the Organic Centre – “At the Organic Centre we specialise in growing organic vegetables, herbs and flowers. The talk will cover the main propagation techniques we use at the Organic Centre to grow all our plants such as growing from seed, cuttings and layering. Also covered are correct temperatures, watering and aftercare of the plants. The talk is suitable for both experienced gardeners and beginners.”

You can also read more about the Organic Centre by clicking here. Please register for the webinar below, so we know how many attendees to expect. We will send out the Zoom link to those who register.

Register for the webinar here: